Hi, my name is Clara Barton. I am a nurse in the American cross (or the ARC), an organization that I found here in America. The first time that I ever got to nurse someone was when I was 11 years old, you see my brother got sick, and I was the only one who could take care of him. After many years of wars, and especially after been working in the Red Cross during the Franco-Prussian War, I decided to make the American Red Cross in the USA. It was very difficult to start this organization, because at the beginning nobody took me seriously, or wanted to help, because they thought it was too much for a woman. And I have to agree, it was. Before me, there were many nurses, but what made me different was that I was the first woman to take it upon herself to make one of the most important organizations in the USA. Many people thought, that race, gender and color matter, but for me everybody who needs help deserves it, no matter how they look from the outside. Overall I think that women should keep on fighting till they get the best of them to come out. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
Color, Gender and race dosnt matter one bit, same thang as if your a Speacial ed or not! i mean, if you peal off the first few layers of a African American's skin, you can see that they ARE white, its to help them survive within the Deserts, Not being racist or anythang ;p