Sunday, November 29, 2009
Narrator: The famous Trillionare Brian Clain has died recently, leaving his grandson a choice of a trillion dollars if he opens a store. Right now we are in the office of Mr. Clain, and the lawyer is reading his testament.
Lawyer: (lawyer opens the envelope and starts) Well it is now time for me to read Mr.Clain’s testament:
Dear Steven,
You are the most useless person I have ever known. But, unfortunately you are my grandson, and there is nothing I can do to change that. So I have to give you my trillion dollars. But things won’t be that easy. Just imagine a useless person like you with so much money! It would be the end of the world! So I want you to start a store with my spare two million dollars. There is going to be one condition: your store must start out great, but then be known as the worst ever. As a result of this, you would have to close it up loosing all “your” money, giving me a reason to give you my trillion dollars. Don’t think you can get away with this; I will have my lawyer control all the money and your actions. You must succeed at doing this in three month, or else my lawyer will gladly take all of it (The lawyer give Steve a huge smile)
Please sign as I and my lawyer did under here:
X__________________ X_________________
Steve: What? Is he crazy? What am I suppose to do!?...
Lawyer: (still reading testament) I knew you would say that! , and no I am not crazy, but this will be funny!
Steve: What?
Narrator: Steve spent the whole night thinking about what store he would be worst at, and finally at about 4:30 A.M, he was able to rest in peace for he had found the perfect one! And the next morning…Steve decided to make a call to the lawyer about the idea he had spent the whole night thinking about.
Steve: I have the greatest plan ever!
Lawyer: OK, let me in to it!! (All sarcastic, and tired)
Steve: I decided that...
Lawyer: That…
Steve: That, I want to make a candy store!
Lawyer: Are you serious! (About to burst into laughter) Don’t you know that that is the number one thing kids and some adults love?
Steve: well think about it, if my announcement reeks, my candy stinks, my store smells and looks awful, and the stores name is Don’t Eat Those Candies Store, they won’t even want to walk in!
Lawyer: You do know that kids these days are attracted to the most inhuman things known to adults…
Steve: oh come on, just let me give me a chance, I am useless any way!
Lawyer: glad you admitted it, less problems for me now! Useless Steve (Beginning to laugh)
Steve: IS that a compliment?
Lawyer: (still laughing) I Think I am going to keep that money all right!
Narrator: Steve eventually got the spare two million dollars to start the businesses. First he started by renting a space for the store… so he called the lawyer after a period of time and…
Steve: Hey do you think you could find any cheap place in a bad neighborhood?
Lawyer: What type of question is that?
Steve: You should know! You’re a lawyer!
Lawyer: Well a layers job is not to find a renting place!
Steve: Well, your job was to help me or guide me! So can you find a place or not?
Lawyer: I might be able to find a place, but it won’t likely be in a bad neighborhood, and absolutely not cheap!
Steve: I don’t care, I can live with it
Lawyer: In that case, I think I know just the right place!
Narrator: The lawyer was secretly thinking to put Steve in a high class neighborhood
Lawyer: Oh, and you might want to make the prices higher! They will definitely hate that! (Giving a little chuckle)
Steve: Oh, thanks you are so helpful, contact me as soon as you find out if that space you talked about is available
(They both hang up at the same time.)
Narrator: Steve finally got the space. He definitely did not get the space in a lower class neighborhood; in fact he got a store in Manhattan, in Fifth Avenue! But let’s continue with the story. Steve had to buy some merchandise from his friend Marco, a terrible business man. So he decided to give Marcos a call.
(Steve dials the phone and Marco picks it up)
Marco: Hello?
Steve: Hey Marco, how you doing?
Marco: Ok, I don’t get much business
Steve: Great! Then I have a perfect idea to get you back into business!
Marco: Really what is it?
Steve: Well you may think this is crazy, but ever since my grandpa died weird things have been happening to me, so weird that I have to open up a store. (Steve takes a deep breathe) can you send me all the bad candy you had?
Marco: What do you mean? (Really confused)
Steve: You know! ... All the candy nobody would ever buy! (In a very uncomfortable tone)
Marco: Ok… I’ll pass by your place tomorrow with the catalogue I just finished
Steve: It’s a deal, I promise to buy a lot of stuff from you
Marcos: Yes!!!
(Both hang up)
Narrator: The next thing Steve needed to do was buy some decorations, create and hang ads up, and hire some workers. But first, he had to meet up with Marco to buy the merchandise.
(Marco enters the room, and Steve greets Marco)
Steve: Hey Marco Polo! Long time no see!
Marco: Yeah!
Steve: Back to business, did you bring the catalogue?
Marco: Of course I did!
(Marco takes out the catalogue from his bag and shows it to Steve)
Marco: So do you see any thing you like?
Steve: hmm... Let me see…
(They are both flipping pages)
Steve: Well I like this mouth coloring bubble gum…
Marco: MMHHm…
Steve: Oh, and this wooden jaw breaker…
Marco: MMH, wait, seriously?
(Steve nods his head)
Steve: And this one...And this one...
Marco: uh…..ohm...
Steve: See this one over here, it says strawberry and banana flavors
Marco: So
Steve: I don’t want it to be strawberry or banana, What about onion and garlic?
Marco: Eeeeeeww!
Steve: I’ll even pay you 4 times the price, come on!
Marco: OK (in a very happy tone)
Steve: I want strawberry and banana doodles instead of cheese doodles...
Marco: Sure thing! (Writing everything Steve wanted as fast as he could)
Steve: I wan candies that break, and stick to children’s teeth!
Marco: What? That will have to cost you a thousand more bucks!
Steve: Ok! No problem!
(Marco looked appalled)
Marco: This is going to loose my reputation
Steve: come on dude, be serious, you don’t have any reputation. I also want candy that looks like you have braces on, and candy that is super sticky in dry surfaces
Marco: Um... Sure
Steve: OK, so the last thing I want is a candy that has 5,000 calories!
Marco: So, I think we can have this ready in about one week
Steve: Perfect!
Marco: Thank you for believing in me man!
Steve: Don’t thank me; I had to choose the worst businesses man I knew
Marco: Whatever! Bye, see you in a week
Steve: Bye to you too!
Narrator: Steve ended up buying a lot more candy than he needed, but it was worth it. Now it was time for Steve to make some ads!
Steve: (calling out to his future workers) Hey you over there!
1: What me?
Steve: Yeah you! Do you think you could help me make some ads, I’m kind of stuck here, do you think you could help me?
1: yeah sure why not?
Steve: hey and you!
2: Me?
Steve: could you help me too?
2: cool! Sure
Narrator: His two future workers and he, made a terrible mess with the ads, but after all that was what they needed. Next step was to open the store…
©Sofia Caraballo
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
One of my favorite foods I have is a typical plate in Spain, called Paella. I know my grandma makes the best paella I have ever tasted. I am not the only one who thinks so, everybody who has tried my grandmas Paella thought the same. On special occasions like when I go to Spain, my grandma makes paella not only , because she knows I love when she makes it, but because she knows that when she does it a lot people from our family come and eat. To make paella you need many ingredients. Some of these are; rice, water, tomato, pepper, food coloring, clams, squid, shrimp, and mussels.
Another type of food really like is called rice pudding. I mostly eat pudding in the summer, because there is more time to make it than during the year. It takes a long time to make it, there for you need to have a lot of patience to make rice pudding correctly. It takes about an hour and a half to make rice pudding. I love it when my mom and my grandma make it. I think it is mostly special when my mom makes it, mostly because she doesn’t usually cook.
Last but not least another food I like a lot is called crêpes. In this case my aunt makes them, and she does it the best. I really like it when she does it, because she lets me help her a lot. It is really easy to make, and also it is made quickly. My aunt only makes crêpes when I go to Spain since she knows I like them a lot. To make crêpes, you need to have eggs, flour, and sugar butter. Once you have mixed well, you fry it quickly, and you can only put little bit on the pan. After you just choose a filling, close it and Bon Appetite.
drama expirience

Drama Experience
I think that being in Drama class and at the same time being in a play was a lot of work, but I think it was worth it. Even though there were good times and bad ones everything went well. I think that my drama experience was fascinating. I learned a lot about things like the fourth wall, and can break it. Also what a tableux is, and how to do it, and many others things I really would not have learned as much of if it weren’t for Mr. Pagano. I even think I was very lucky to get one the best parts in the whole play. Mr. Pagano has a great way of getting along with people; witch in my opinion helped a lot. Also he is very kind and did a lot of work by himself. If I were do all he did, after the play I’d be absent for a week, and sleeping! All in all, Mr. Pagano is a wonderful hardworking man, and whatever he did this year to make the play outstanding he should do next year and all the years to come. I would give these tears play 5 stars
blood project

Blood is a very important part of our body that is why I choose this topic, because I wanted to learn more about how the blood works inside our body. It helps us breathe, and carries nutrients. It helps our body fight the germs that get us sick. Also, it helps us to get rid of the stuff that can not be used in our body.
One very important job that blood has is helping us breathe. Blood carries the air you breathe to every part of your body. The really red blood (which is the type of blood we usually think of when somebody mentions the word blood), is the blood that carries oxygen. The other type of blood is a bluish red, and does not carry oxygen.
Another job blood has is to carry nutrients around your body. Every time you eat, and the food you eat is processed, it’s divided into two categories. One of those categories is the entire good stuff that your body needs. The other one is considered the waste. The waste is carried down to parts where your body can get rid of it.
Lastly, one of the most important jobs blood has is fighting germs. Germs are tiny living things that can make you sick when they live inside your body. Special cells on your blood called white blood cells, fight these harmful germs, and help to make you well again.
All in all, blood has a very important role in the human body; it brings nutrients to your body, and carries oxygen so you can breathe. The blood also fights harmful germs. I choose to write about blood, because I found it interesting to learn about how it works in our body. With this work I learned cool stuff such as: did you know that if you stretched out all the blood vessels in your body and laid them end to end, they would be long enough to circle Earth three times? Amazing!!!

Hi, my name is Clara Barton. I am a nurse in the American cross (or the ARC), an organization that I found here in America. The first time that I ever got to nurse someone was when I was 11 years old, you see my brother got sick, and I was the only one who could take care of him. After many years of wars, and especially after been working in the Red Cross during the Franco-Prussian War, I decided to make the American Red Cross in the USA. It was very difficult to start this organization, because at the beginning nobody took me seriously, or wanted to help, because they thought it was too much for a woman. And I have to agree, it was. Before me, there were many nurses, but what made me different was that I was the first woman to take it upon herself to make one of the most important organizations in the USA. Many people thought, that race, gender and color matter, but for me everybody who needs help deserves it, no matter how they look from the outside. Overall I think that women should keep on fighting till they get the best of them to come out. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
the lucky number seven
You get me! I have a second last name, Prime, because I am a prime number. A prime number is a number that can only be multiplied by itself and 1. Also I can not get dived further than 7, the number I am. For some cultures the number seven is very important, and constantly repeated. They say things like seven
times seven, a lot of times. Also there are 7 days in a week. Another thing that at least I think is worth studying for is that there are 365 days in a year. If you were to divide that by the number seven (me!!!) you get my uncle
52, which is the number of weeks we have. Also there are only 7 wonders of the world, (what a lucky number I am!!). My aunt 5 is a magician, and the number she uses the most is seven. She says it’s a magical number, because of its history. Also my 4th cousins are roman! , and they thought me how to write my name in roman numerals. It goes like this: VII. Well that’s for today, I hope to see you next time. Or maybe the next time my aunt can explain better. I hope you enjoyed me talking and the history of me’s (7).
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Anne Frank

Anne Frank was a young girl when the Second World War started. A lot of changes were done to her life, because of her religion. We all know her heartbreaking story and how she and her family were force to live hided for almost two years, thanks of the diary she wrote.
Annelies Marie Frank, (Anne Frank), was born in June 12, 1929. Anne was a Jewish girl that lived in Germany, but most of her life she lived in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Anne’s father, Otto Frank, and her family did not follow all the customs and rules of their religion. Otto always encouraged Anne and her older daughter Margot to read.
On March 13, 1933 their lives changed dramatically, the Nazis won the elections in Germany, and many Jews started to fear what would happen to them if they stayed in Germany any longer. Otto Frank left Germany, and found a job and an apartment for the entire family in Amsterdam. By February of 1934, the whole family was living in a place where more than 300,000 Jews had fled to.
Soon after that things started to get more serious for the Jewish people. Jews couldn’t go to the same schools like the rest of the children, they couldn’t go to any public place, and every time they were in the streets they must wear a Jewish star. In July 1942, Margot Frank, received a letter that told her that she had to go to a labor camp. Otto Frank decided that this was the time to hide with his family in a place that he was being prepared for moths. They moved to a secret room in which he used to work. The people who used with Otto tried their best to help the Franks, even though it was forbidden to help Jewish people.
The Frank’s moved in the secret room on Monday, July 6, 1942. They left a note in their old apartment saying they went to Switzerland. They were forced to wear several layers of cloth, because they were afraid to be seen with luggage. In July 13th, they Van Pels joined the Frank’s in the secret room, and latter another man came to live with them, Fritz Pfeffer.
Right before they went into hiding, Anne received a diary in which she told us her story. She named her diary Kitty, and almost all the entries she wrote there described how they lived and felt being hiding for two years. After living a long time with all these people, Anne didn’t like them at all. She also has a bad relation with her mother. But also there was time for love, and Anne felt in love with Peter, and she received her first kiss in the hiding room.
After surviving for two years living in a room in a very bad conditions, and right before the war was almost ended, in August 1944, they were arrested by the Gestapo. Anne and her sister Margot were sent to a work camp in Westerbork where women were treated very badly. During days they had to dig wholes. After a while, Anne and Margot died, like her mother. Otto was the only survivor, and the person who found Anne’s diary. After he read his daughter diary he decided that this diary should be published to let the people know what happen. He also was impressed of her daughter beautiful writing and her inner soul and maturity.
Anne Frank is a very important person in history. Not only because she lived in a very important period of time, the Second World War, but she also wrote about it and left we know how people like her suffer. Another reason why her writing is so valuable is because she wrote about that when it was happened, not like other people who wrote about years after. Stories like Anne Frank story can help us to be better persons, and never forgot, because we don’t want that what happen with Jewish people could happen again with nobody.
By: Sofia Caraballo

I woke up, I touched my nose to see how cold it was, and (it was really cold!). Then, I started getting up, but rapidly I went down. I had forgotten to put my pants on. So I put them on, and started walking.
At first I thought I was at home, but then I noticed I wasn’t, unless my house was a mansion. I saw a window and started walking towards it. When out of the blue, a police officer just popped up in front of me, and said “Excuse me miss, but where are your parents?” At that moment, I had no idea who my parents are, so I looked around to see if something would help me. Then I saw a sign that said “Lady’s room, do not enter or else”. Well, it didn’t exactly say the “or else”. But I just figured that one day that term could be added to the logo. So I told him, “Well, my mom is in the lady’s room”. I stared at him wickedly to add on to the scary effect. He proceeded away as if he just learned the most secret info in the world. What was with him? Weird stuff! But really, I don’t like a person who would do that.
While he was “running” away from me, he said “Sorry madam” with a French accent. I really could have sworn he was French. Except for the back of his suit said “Lufthansa,
After the police man was gone, I started walking towards the window, but this time I made sure nobody “interrupted” me. So when I got there I squished my face on the window, and saw an airplane. I thought, “Airplane”. Then, another thought came to my mind, “Airport”. Afterwards I came back to where I had wakened up, and found a bag that had obviously not been there before. I would have been nice to leave it there, but I just felt the need to open it. I opened it up to see what was inside… The first thing I found was 3 passports, and then I found 3 tickets to
I picked up everything, and started walking. All of the sudden the loud speaker said “Flight AACRBV, please report to door 26; number 44” After that announcement almost all the people in the airport got up. I opened the bag, and checked for the tickets, and soon I found myself running with the crowd.
As I was running through the crowd, an object caught my eyes. It was all the way on the other side from where I was, so I ran towards it. When I got there I found 3 little suitcases, I checked for the names…Great! They were mine. So I ran until I got inside the plane. I put all my luggages up, where everything else was. Since there was only one of me, and three seats reserved, I had a nice space set up for me. I choose to sit in the seat that was next to the window. A lot of passed by. After every one was seated, we started to go up in the air. Then, I slowly started to question myself “Who’s going to be waiting for me in
“Come on Mirella, we are going to be late”, “Oh ma, I just had the most horrible dream ever. I had no memory, I even didn’t know if you even exist!!” “Oh, you 12 years old, Mirella, come on, dress fast, we need to go to the airport fast.”
After Mirella got dressed up, she helped her mom bring the suit cases down. When they got to the airport her mom paid the taxi. Once inside her mother said, “We have 30 minutes left, go to the bathroom, I’ll wait for you here” As she was walking a police officer stopped her and said “Excuse me miss, but where are your parents? She just thought “my parents, I had no idea who are my parents”.
Friday, November 6, 2009
My most memorable summer vacation

Friday, September 25, 2009

A Crisrmas Carol

Hi Everyone!!
Thank you!!
Hola a todos!! Solo quería decir hola y que espero que os guste mi blog. Cuando termineis de leer, por favor dejad un comentario.