Is the water you drink in school clean?
Is the water you drink in school clean?
5 students said yes, 22 said no. Some of the students don’t like the taste of the water, while others simple don’t know why they don’t drink school water.
Most people actually know about how clean our school water is, but some apparently don’t. This really shows how people who actually know, and have proof that this is true, are letting parents and children know that they can’t drink school water. But nobody has made the effort, especially knowing that certain amounts of water that contains lead can do severe damage to the kidneys, the brain and the circulatory system.
In most schools the levels of the lead in water not exceeded the EPA recommended level of 20 ppb.
According to the Department of Education, every school must test the amount of lead in the water. The results of the test have to be sent to the school principal. Then, the school has to post in the main office. The results are posted and available for review are sent to the president of Parent’s Association, chairperson of United Federation of Teacher (UFT), school custodian, and unions for the custodians and firemen.
The following is an interview with one of the member of the PTA about the water in our school.
Q: Do you Know what lead is?
A: I think that it is something found in water, also it toxic for the human body.
Q: Do you think that the school water is clean?
A: For the most part I think that the water is. Now what I think is not clean are the water fountains. First of all no one cleans it so it must have a lot of bacteria.
Q: Has the school done any test to prove how clean our school water is?
A: I do not know , but I do know a guy that works in the in the DEP that for a living, check a box that is outside of the school that connects to a water fountain that connects to a water in the water in the school.
Q: Have you received any results about the lead in the water at PS 150?
A: You can receive results, but you have to request it. I think we have though.
Here are some tips to make the water we drink cleaner:
Sadly, buildings that were built before the 1960’s are more capable of providing water with lead in it. So if you live or go to school in a building that was built before the 1960’s follow these tips to make your water cleaner.
1. Run the water until the water is cold, once it is clean use for boiling and you will not have any germs. Do not use hot water to cook, always cold water.
2. If you have not used your sink water for days or hours, let the water run, that way it will slowly clean it self.
To find out more about drinking water in NYC public schools you can call or find website information at the following:
• Department of Education Drinking Water Hotline at (718) 482-3777
• Department of Environmental Protection
• United States Environmental Protection Agency
• Call 311