Friday, September 25, 2009


This Halloween I am going to dress up as one of the member of the group ABBA, Aneta. So far what I have are the high heels, the wig, and the leggings. I still need to fix the leggings, and get the shirt. I think I am going to have a fun time trick or treating with my dad in Roossevelt Avenue!! I hope I can put some pictures on the blog to show you what I am going to wear. 'Till then,

Peace out

Alice is in wonder world

A Crisrmas Carol

A Christmas Carol is a play that the school are doing this year. Even though the fifth graders are the ones who usually do a play annually, this year the rest of the students, also get to do it. So far, everything is going pretty well, and is mostly organized. There are many parts to in this play, such as Scrooge, Tiny Tim, Ghost of past, and Ghost of Christmas present. Luckily I got the par of Ghost of Christmas present, which is the second most talking role. This role tells Scrooge what he is doing wrong, and what is happening based on that. This play is going to be presented on December, on time for it to be close to Christmas. I really do hope I get to memorize my lines quickly for the play to be able to presented on time. I still haven't done the play, so when I finished, I will promise to put some pictures up on the blog.

Thank you!!

Hi Everyone!!

Hi everyone!! I just wanted to say hi, and hope you like my blog. Once you've read everything please leave a comment .
Thank you!!
Hola a todos!! Solo querĂ­a decir hola y que espero que os guste mi blog. Cuando termineis de leer, por favor dejad un comentario.